Manifest of the “outraged” on the occasion of the global mobilization on May 12th - 2012.
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Throughout this period of civil disobedience, from Iceland to the latest uprisings in Russia and Hungary, it has become clear that not only have political systems reached advanced levels of disintegration, so have their methods of representation (they do not represent us!), and their subservience to the demands of the current crony capitalist system (rescue the people, not the banks!).In 2011 we took to the streets, we regained our voice in public spaces, got together, opened up dialogues and shared our dreams. We came together to make it clear that we are not commodities at the behest of politicians and bankers who instate austerity policies making our lives precarious. Instead, we declare, as our fellow Greeks have already declared, that “We owe nothing, we will not pay and will not sell ourselves!”However, what is far more important is that we also share a desire to re-appropriate our lives and the common good by means of direct participation, joint management, and ultimately the desire for a true democracy in the service of everyone.After international forums, as well as online and face-to-face discussions, it has been decided that May 12th should be the next Global Day of Action, and May 15th a new Transnational Day of Mobilization.Saturday 12M has been proposed as a global day of action in which we will once again take to the streets, to the squares, or wherever we can in order to carry out specific actions that will empower mass demonstrations.Instead, 15M is intended as a global day of action, to intervene in capital flows and mobility, while simultaneously coordinating actions in order to bring awareness to the world so that it moves in a new direction. It is about building a new imaginary in order to define new human, economic and social relationships and will provide us with that transformation of power relations between governments, capitalist rule and societies.Join us. |
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