En la imagen,
iraquíes esperando su turno para votar el pasado domingo
30 de enero mientras son encañonados por un fusil de asalto
(Foto: Reuters)
The Resistance is over;
enter the Guerrilla
CSCA statement,
January 31, 2005
CSCAweb (www.nodo50.org/csca),
February 7, 2005
From now
on we'll witness to a hammerinf use of "terrorist"
as a concept referred Iraqi resistance, and it will be argued
that, after the electoral farce, there is already a "legitimate"
government, and henceforth, there is no Occupation. Well, lets
turn the words: the resistance is over; so, enter now the guerrilla
warfare for national liberation.
The Iraq election soap opera
has finished as it was foreseen: with an apparent succes of the
Shia and Kurdish lists. It seems useless to testify about the
elections illegality, as they are the result of an illegal act:
the invasion of a country contravening international law; it
has been useless to state that occupying powers, US specially,
have modify as they please (and following their own interests)
the social, political and economic Iraqi reality; it has been
useless to see the death of dozens of thousands Iraqis the
invisible dead- and the obliteration of cities like Falujah;
it has been useless to give proof on the US employment of international
banned weapons, like napalm and cluster bombs; it has been useless
to denounce the degradation of the so called "democracies"
about the torture metodical practice or about concentration camps,
i.e. Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib; it has been useless to notify
that the US army has distributed 60 millions of leaflets calling
Iraqis to poll, and it has been useless to publish that western
countries have financed those election.
The election farce is completed,
and it has provided a wider legitimacy and credibility to Bush
administration's policies, both within the US society and their
compliant allies: the number of votes, no matter how many are
(they can't agree on it: from 72% claimed by collaborationists
to the 65% UN-stated), can not represent the Iraqi national reality,
taken into account the high boycott displayed in the south (Samarra,
with 200.000 inhabitants only registered 1400 votes), and they
are showed by the mass media mass indoctrination media-
as a "democratic passion" builded over great blood
pools. Countries like France or Germany, that holded a cautious
distance about the US world policy, stare the current situation
as a "honorable" opportunity to shake hands again.
Kofi Annan, the most submissive Secretary-General in the UN history
, can be rewarded now by his stand supporting the elections farce:
"Whatever your feelings about how the country reached this
point, this election offers an opportunity to move away from
violence and uncertainty toward peace and representative government.",
he stated the january 28th, two days before the poll. Annan's
foolishness "forgotting" the way "the country
reached this point" such elections took place in an
occupied country, without any sovereignty, where a foreign occupying
power dictates the law- is a clear signal of his servility, and
maybe is enough to avoid the US veto to his reelection...
So, everybody smiles. It has
been exposed the international complacency in the globalization
era: invading countries, impossing puppet governments, getting
control of energy resources, and the strategically reordering
of different world areas. This is a dark side scorned by the
chatterbox and gossip, but uneffective west-north-based "volunteer's
movement" who have fun in Forums like Porto Alegre's. They
don't come to this conclusion: they are used as the system's
"nice face" , as they manage to reach agreements with
the Davos powerful ones, in order to get a little globalization´s
cake's piece. Only fools or unlearned can doubt about the NGOs
-as they are opposed to real antagonist stands- are nothing but
another tool for their governments foreign policies. Just a fact:
the US have already invested 500 million dollars in Iraq to develop
"civil organizations" ; the USAID have managed directly
283 millions.
From now on we'll witness a
hammering use of the word "terrorist" as a concept
referred to Iraqi resistance, and it will be argued that, after
the electoral farce, there is already a "legitimate"
government, and henceforth, there is no Occupation. Well, lets
turn the words: the resistance is over; so, enter now the guerrilla
warfare for national liberation.
The new
The election farce's final
results that occupyers and collaborationists will publish, will
not be different from the foreseen ones: the unified Shia list
will have the seats majority. Within the list, ad-Dawa party
and the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq both
members of the current collaborationist government- will reach
the 30%, so they will control a third of the Assembly. Lets add
the Kurds and the representatives of the collaborationist Prime
Minister, Allawi. So, it makes sense if we assure there will
be a "commited government" similar to the current one,
but Shia-leaded. A religious and ethnic quota system will be
legalized, so it will seed and feed divisions, giving arguments
to Occupation forces to stay in the country.
Those parties won't ask for
the occupation power`s withdrawal, as they didn´t asked
until now, and they won't modify the economic system builded
by proconsul Paul Bremer, when he was in charge of the Provisional
Authority: border duties and rates elimination, national enterprises
selling out, strategical sectors delivery to transnational firms,
land's law (agriculture destruction by importing of transgenic
foreign seeds), and the implementation of the International Monetary
Fund recipes, plus wide restrictions on Health and Education
budgets, for example. As the US and UN-approved plans state,
every change for this points shoul be made only with the agreement
of the 75% Assembly.
Henceforth, it seems that the
former Iraqi resistance - and from now on, national liberation
guerrilla- is the one that can assume a defensive stand for a
sovereignty and independence project; guerrilla wich is mostly
leaded by Ba'ath Party, and draws a strong defense for welfare
State with an economic system , where public sector controls
the oil production similar in quite points to the former
one builded by the previous ba'athist government.
Iraqi guerrilla has understood
that Imperialism plans to take control in a medium term of the
whole global estrategic energy resources, and not only the Middle
East's. This can explain the non-stop attacks on the Iraqi pipelines
and plants (placing them below before-war levels in march 2003).
Along 2004 there have been 246 registered attacks against the
oil infrastructure , which meaned an overall cost of 6.000 million
dollars. The Baiji refinery was ineffective to export oil to
Turkish Ceyhan's port from 18th December 2004 to 27th January
2005, even if this fact didn't echo on mass-media.
The US energetic policy and
own trade deficit will increase their dependency from Iraq oil's
exportations, so the US will need to keep their military force
in the country at least until 2007, possibly developing consequences
in their fiscal deficit, fossilizing a submissive and comprador
government. Only the Iraqi guerrilla faces this whole reality.
The solidarity movement should take a step far beyond the easy
denounce, making the next 20th March global demonstration a statement
support to Iraqi guerrilla and a statement rejection to imperialists
plans, whom our governments, along the world, are allies.
Enlaces relacionados
/ Related links:
resistencia pone en jaque a la Administración Bush (Diario
de la resistencia)
Resistencia iraquí
de la Alianza Patriótica Iraquí sobre las "elecciones"
al-Dhari: "El pueblo iraquí no espera que las elecciones
produzcan otra cosa que un gobierno que cumpla con los mandatos
de EEUU"
Al-Obaidi: Por qué los iraquíes deben boicotear
las elecciones
Santiago González: Elecciones bajo ocupación
Munier : La "farsa electoral" del 30 de enero en Iraq