In the present document there exposes the polemic supported between the GPM and Ismael, person that immediately after receiving a notice announcing the changes in our web page as consequence of the publication of a new document. Ismael reproaches us, without coming to the case, that we do not dedicate attention to “the Dismantlement of the classic form of the State in Spain”.
We sue him that he was explaining to us what is, for it “ The Dismantlement of the classic form of the State in Spain”. He answered that this “Dismantlement” consists of the Political disorganization of the central Spanish state and the gradual disappearance of called euphemistically “Welfare state” Because of the political offensive of Political groups peripheral nationalists, in this case, Catalonia and Basque Country, in demand of certain competitions today exclusive of the Central State.
For us, and we think that also for the Working Class of this State, the transference of competences in the above mentioned communities or nations, it is not the reason of the dismantlement of “Welfare state” and, therefore, it is not a prior worry. Very on the contrary, we think that what is obtained proceeding as Ismael it is to conceal the real reasons of the deterioration in the conditions of the so called one State of the “Welfare state,” averting the attention towards contingencies of the “Small politics”, leaving of side the questions of the Great politics Or the fights between both universal historically antagonistic classes: bourgeoisie and proletariat.
As we say, the clashes that are derived from this process, they are inscribed in the rivalry that the different fractions of the bourgeoisie keep up: the national Spanish bourgeoisie and the rest of nationalistic peripheral bourgeoisies. At the same time and of equal way, contradictions exist between the Spanish bourgeoisie in his mass and his homologouses represented in the European Union. Different conflicts that arise from these contradictions or intercapitalist rivalries are phenomenas derived from the own law of the value that governs the whole life of the capitalist organism which intrinsic metabolism provokes a such increase of accumulation of capital that makes out-of-date the former configuration of the national States. From this logic is derived the present trend of which the national bourgeoisies across his own political bureaucracies, they transfer certain competences towards the central bureaucracy of the European Union.
This way, the contradictions between the different sectors of the bourgeoisie inside the Spanish State, so much as those who exist inside the European Union, are of eminently intercapitalist nature and, in spite of the fact that these phenomena must be observed with the necessary interest on the part of the revolutionary leaders, the working class we must not fall down in the mistake of leaving ourselves to drag to these conflicts, taking departed by someone of the bourgeois fractions in struggle.
Of another very different nature it is the political conflict latent between employers and workers, that it supposes the unusual assault of the capital to the conditions of life and of work that the workers are suffering today.Onslaughts to the real salary, doing precarious the employment and manipulating the IPC or diminishing the value of deferred wages (pensions, subsidies of unemployment) and of indirect wages (health, education and other social expenses, partly at the expense of the state budgets).
The fact that in Europe are implemented political of administrative decentralization of the national States,who transfer some competences towards certain autonomous communities at the same time as the same central national States agree to transfer some competences towards to the EU, all that deserves to be studied to determine in what degree each of these two movements affects the third one: the current trend to the disappearance of the State of the well-being.
Hitherto, we treat three movements:
For us, the second and third movement respond to the internal logic of the capitalism one. The second, because expands the economic space and unique politician that favors the accumulation and the centralization of the capitals; the third, because does to the essence of the capitalist system: the exploitation of the alien work for the end of the accumulation.
The first one is a contradictory movement that faces tactically to determined bourgeoisies fractions and to its corresponding bureaucracies political inside certain national States, in function of private interests that do not do to the essential internal logic of the way of capitalist production, this is, to the exploitation of the wage earners, but distribution of its product.
Therefore, this movement has nothing to do with the interests of the proletariat in its entirety, neither with their fight against all bourgeoisie. The capitalist relations of production, the logic of the capital, they tend of that , irresistibly and with objectivity form . And big part of the workers class is compromised in this false dialectic that nothing has to do with the strategic and tactical interests of the working class in its entirety, its commitment only contributes to divide politically to proletariat,and retard that irresistible objective tendency toward its political unit. Therefore, the task of conscious workers class in Europe is contributing to accelerate the necessary process of political unit among all them by the common objective of to finish with the exploitation of the man by the man in the Planet. And for this cuestion is necessary that we explain patiently to those "nationalists" companions —peripherals or centralists—, why its political option is not the one that corresponds with its condition of class exploited, and this is what we tried to do with this polemics document.
P.O. box 20027 Madrid 28080 (Spain)