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The most recent articles

Education, health care, water: three reasons the country voted for the FSLN last November

Monday 20 April 2009 by CEPRID
Karla Jacobs Tortilla con Sal The opposition forces in Nicaragua, which consist of the different right wing and center right political parties, the corporate media and a number of influential NGOs, claim that the FSLN, in cahoots with the Supreme Electoral Council (CSE), perpetrated massive (...) > continue

Israel’s war crimes: Calls for investigation into Gaza attacks

Monday 30 March 2009 by CEPRID
Richard Falk Le Monde diplomatique Israel blamed its earlier wars on the threat to its security, even that against Lebanon in 1982. However, its assault on Gaza was not justified and there are international calls for an investigation. But is there the political will to make Israel account for (...) > continue

Tito’s partisans and events in Palestine

Friday 20 February 2009 by CEPRID
by Alberto Cruz, CEPRID The recent massacre carried out by 21st century would-be Nazis under the auspices of Israel’s Zionist regime, has again shown the persistence of the neither-nors, an old tradition of one sector supposedly of the left wing. On public demonstrations and in written analysis (...) > continue

"The Observer" : a Nicaraguan day out for genocide’s Boswells

Tuesday 10 February 2009 by CEPRID
by toni solo On January 11th, the UK’s Observer newspaper published an article on Nicaragua.(1) The Observer is one of a group of prestigious social democrat European newspapers who all tend to filter news on Latin America via fiction, half-truths and downright lies. The Observer article sticks (...) > continue

Proceedings of the Beirut International Forum - Closing Statement

To support Peoples’ Anti-Imperialistic Resistance and the building of Alternatives to Globalization

Monday 2 February 2009 by CEPRID
On the initiative ( ) and the support of several research centers, associations, syndicates and political, cultural and social movements, The Beirut International Forum was held on 16, 17 and 18 January 2009, attended by Arab and international delegations and eminent authorities from five (...) > continue

Sacred monsters : a footnote to the genocide in Gaza

Monday 12 January 2009 by CEPRID
by toni solo One can only  hope Israel’s genocide in Gaza makes it impossible in future for hypocritical, sadistic governments and their leaders, especially Israel’s allies in North America and Europe, to defend Israel’s occupation of Palestine. Those governments’ sham efforts for a ceasefire have (...) > continue

Humanizing the West

Sunday 11 January 2009 by CEPRID
by Agustín Velloso CEPRID/REBELION Two hundred dead, three hundred, four hundred - what difference does ahundred here or there make? More than five thousand have died since thestart of the second Intifada and many thousands more since Israel cameinto existence 60 years ago - and neither the UN (...) > continue

Mumbai, the Indian elite and the naxalites

Tuesday 30 December 2008 by CEPRID
Alberto Cruz CEPRID The attacks in Mumbai at the end of November have led to every kind of analysis, especially geopolitical. One must remember that the strategic alliance between India and Israel has much to do with the recent surge in Islamist movements in India. Without doubt the interests (...) > continue


Wednesday 10 December 2008 by CEPRID
Focus on the Global South supports the call for a human chain in Mumbai on 12 December 2008 by the Mumbai for Peace campaign, as a people’s response to the recent attacks on Mumbai. The tragic and horrific events that unfolded from 26 November in the city and continued for the next 3 days were (...) > continue

Bonfires for the global vanities

Monday 10 November 2008 by CEPRID
Phyllis Bennis Campaign for America’s Future A new US administration will provide an opportunity for change, but it will take a powerful, mobilized antiwar movement to hold a new administration accountable to promises made, argues Phyllis Bennis. On January 20, be on the lookout for bonfires (...) > continue

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