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The new U.S. defense strategy: the latest attempt to maintain world domination

Wednesday 29 February 2012 by CEPRID
Monday February 13, 2012 Alberto Cruz The decline of U.S. power is unstoppable. This finding, and a little questionable, it is confirmed when analyzing Obama administration decisions such as that being implemented in January 2012: a new concept of defense developed by the National Security (...) > continue

The Importance Of Being Leader Of The Opposition To Obiang Nguema

Monday 13 February 2012 by CEPRID
Agustin Velloso CEPRID Main characters Plácido Micó, considered the leader of the opposition to Teodoro Obiang Nguema, Equatorial Guinea ’s president since 1979, was on a political tour to the United States during the last week of January 2012. When Micó enrolled at his local school for the very (...) > continue


Monday 10 October 2011 by CEPRID
Mailer Mattié* Translation by Sylvia Maria Valls  “Let’s get together! We are the ones we were waiting for.” The Hopi Nation’s Chiefs Oraibi, Arizona, 2000  HARMFUL MONOPOLIES In his work, Ivan Illich (1926-2002) described the failure of industrial institutions such as in education, medicine and (...) > continue


Sunday 10 July 2011 by CEPRID
Mailer Mattié Translator: Sylvia María Valls. Instituto Simone Weil “The reasons and ways that make a city wise, at the same time wizen the citizen.” Plato “We are done with transition, here comes democracy.” Poster at the Puerta del Sol. Venus in the Sun On Sunday, May 15th, thousands of (...) > continue

Spain: Public Outrage Or Political Consciousness?

Monday 13 June 2011 by CEPRID
Agustín Velloso CEPRID Recently, and especially in the days leading up to the municipal and regional elections in Spain held on Sunday, May 22nd, there has been much talk about the outrage of youth—and certain adults—a conversation thrown into sharp relief by the encampments set up in the (...) > continue

Nicaragua and Libya : connivance and cant

Tuesday 5 April 2011 by CEPRID
Toni Solo and Jorge Capelan Tortilla con sal Routine self-serving distortion of world events by the corporate and alternative media exists in symbiosis with a willfully deluded narrative of Western moral authority and superiority. That narrative feeds off the systematic hypocrisy and insane (...) > continue

The world’s attention is on Libya, but the real geostrategic importance is in Bahrain

Thursday 24 March 2011 by CEPRID
Alberto Cruz CEPRID March 1st 2011 Original in Spanish - http://www.nodo50.org/ceprid/spip.php?article1092 Once again the bourgeoisie’s game has been set into play: is Gaddafi good or is he bad? Is he still in control of the country or not? Should Libya be occupied? Is the Libyan government (...) > continue

The world is changing and we have an important role to play

Friday 11 March 2011 by CEPRID
MICHEL COLLON After the Latins, the Arabs. And tomorrow, the Africans ? Why Washington and Paris had to draw back in Tunisia and Egypt. How they are going to save the foundations of the neo-colonial system. And what is our role in seeing that the world truly transforms itself. For a long time (...) > continue

Tshombe, Spain and the DRC’s independence

Saturday 19 February 2011 by CEPRID
Agustín Velloso Spain’s relations with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which began soon after independence in 1960, are marked by their support for Belgian plans against it, backed up by the United States. Moise Tshombe, executor of those plans, visited Spain several times between 1963 (...) > continue

Dark Alliance - the New York Times on Nicaragua

Thursday 16 December 2010 by CEPRID
by toni solo, November 20th 2010 December 10th this year will be the sixth anniversary of the death of Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Gary Webb. Webb wrote a series of articles in the late 1990s revealing that the CIA facilitated large scale narcotics imports from Latin America into the (...) > continue

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