Statements and reports from
the Spanish Brigade in Baghdad:
Open Letter to Prime Minister
José María Aznar from the Spanish Brigade Against
the War
9 April, 2003. Translation from Spanish by
Donald Murphy
CSCAweb (
Baghdad, 7 April, 2003
Mr. Prime Minister Aznar,
As you are perhaps aware, we seven Spanish citizens
made a decision to remain here in Baghdad once the military intervention
by the United States, the United Kingdom and their allies began.
We consider ourselves part of that overwhelming majority of the
Spanish population who condemn and are actively protesting this
illegitimate and immoral war, and hope that our presence in this
country, in these terrible days of violence and suffering, will
enable the amicable people of Iraq to experience some of the
solidarity which is felt for them world-wide.
At the same time, we are documenting the War Crimes and the
Crimes against Humanity that the invading forces have been committing
against these people for more than two weeks now. The most recent,
recorded only yesterday at the Saddam Health Centre, is the case
of Nasra Ali, an eight-year-old girl with haunting green eyes
who lives in the southern part of city, near the airport, an
area which has been ruthlessly bombed by US aircraft in recent
days. In one such attack on Saturday, 4 April, Nasra lost both
of her parents, her six sisters and her three brothers. She herself
suffered serious injuries to the abdomen, head and left arm.
Stern, silent, staring fixedly at our group, Nasra regards us
with same wide-eyed gaze we have seen on the faces of dozens
of Iraqi children in the last few days. It is the gaze of children
too young to absorb the totality of such immediate and infinite
horror, a horror as great as any human being can imagine.
Nasra is not the only victim of this barbarism; we have seen
many more expressions like hers. For us it will be a heavy burden
indeed to carry with us for a lifetime the memory of these faces
so suddenly aged by the terror they have lived through. At the
same time, we consider it a privilege, and an ethical duty, to
remember and, if possible, to serve as witnesses to
the dignity and humility with which these unarmed citizens are
facing such terrible tests, as well as the abominable, unjustifiable
crimes which are being committed against them.
Such consolation will not be yours. You will hardly have glanced
at the images flashing across your television screen of the victims
of the crimes to which you are an accomplice. As with the pilots
who drop their bombs on Baghdad from thousands of miles above,
it is not your concern that there, at ground zero, human beings
are dying, suffering grave life-long afflictions, losing loved
ones, losing all of their worldly possessions. Like President
Bush and Prime Minister Blair, lying and self-justification are
the only recourses left to you. But that will not exempt you,
either legally, politically or morally, from your responsibility
for these crimes, for having committed, along with the rest of
your government, these crimes against humanity.
You and your administration pledged yourselves from the beginning
to the US/UK project for the invasion and occupation of Iraq,
violating international law and sabotaging Spanish relations
with the Arab World. Once the war began, you then facilitated
the intensive, indiscriminate bombing of Iraqi cities, from which
civilian casualties now number in the thousands. And, just as
economic interests linked to your government sought to profit
from the resumption of commercial relations with Iraq before
the war, you and they now intend to implicate Spain in the pillaging
of post-war Iraq.
It would be too optimistic on our part to imagine that you,
along with President Bush and Prime Minister Blair, will be tried
and convicted for these crimes. If that were possible, however,
we would like to contribute, as witnesses to what is happening
here, to any such action. But neither do we doubt that the sentence
has already been pronounced by the immense majority of our fellow
citizens, and that History itself will confer upon you the title
of "murderers".
Copies of this letter have been sent to members of the communications
media so that it may be disseminated to the public.
Baghdad, 7 April, 2003
The Spanish
Brigade Against the War: Javier Barandiaran, José Bielsa
Fernández, Belarmino Marino García Villar, Mª
Rosa Pañarroya Miranda, Ana Mª Rodríguez Alonso,
Mª Teresa Tuñón Álvarez y Carlos Varea
Iraq: a
Patriotic War
2 April, 2003. Translation from Spanish by
Donald Murphy
CSCAweb (
"Let us not misjudge
this people by denying once again the true nature of its identity:
the population is indeed resisting and with each passing day
is more resolved to resist, as simple as that; not only the regime,
but the people themselves. One thought alone is heard here in
Baghdad, and it becomes clearer and clearer to all who wish to
hear it, in the hospital wards, from the victims and their families,
before the ruins that once were dwellings: we will fight on until
the end".
In an act of self-affirmation, the Bush Administration tried,
in the months prior to the beginning of the war, to believe and
to make the rest of the international community believe the opportunistic
claims of the mercenary, Washington-controlled, Iraqi opposition:
that the Iraqi regime would collapse as soon as the intervention
began and the population, their resistance worn down by twelve
years of international sanctions and given the hope of freeing
themselves from a bloodthirsty dictatorship, would receive the
liberating forces with open arms. This view seemed especially
valid for the southern part of the country, in majority Shi'ite,
a community especially disenchanted with the Baghdad regime.
After thirteen days of this intervention, the evidence shows
quite the contrary: the British and US armed forces, euphemistically
referred to by the media as "the allies", have not
been able to occupy a single city in the south except for the
tiny port of Um Qasr, which is in reality no more than a narrow
strip of harbour, and even that after a week of intense combat.
The military failure of the US and the UK in this initial phase
of the war is more than evident: the Iraqi resistance is unquestionable,
despite the incomparably superior military might of the invaders.
The disputes between military command and the State Department
bear this out.
In this light, the Pentagon is rushing to re-shape its rhetoric:
it is the regime, they say, the Party or the elite units of the
Iraqi army, that are resisting, herding at gunpoint a passive,
terrorized population, which they use as "human shields".
Yet the claims of a supposed uprising in Basora have had to be
retracted by the Pentagon itself after testimonies by Arab media
representatives present in the city. In fact, everything seems
to indicate that resistance in Basora, Naseriyya, Nayaf, Mosul,
etc., at least in these first days of the war, has been carried
out essentially by civilian militia, not even by the regular
Iraqi army, much less by elite units.
The Spanish Brigade is based in Baghdad, but when we visited
Basora three weeks ago the situation there was, as it is here,
surprisingly calm, without troop movements or any greater defence
preparations than could be observed in the capital; that is to
say, very limited ones, despite predictions that the area would
constitute the front line of the invasion.
Barely 48 to 24 hours before the first bomb attacks, Baghdad
began filling with armed civilians, at the same time that defences
were being built up in the city's street and squares, in every
public or commercial building, activities which have continued
up to the present. Trenches have been dug, some now roofed over
and equipped with parapets, while ditches of burning petroleum
cover Baghdad with a layer of black smoke as a defence against
air attacks. In addition, there are now thousands of armed civilians
in all the neighbourhoods of Baghdad, dressed in green or in
simple peasant clothes, with the presence of the conventional
army being limited to the outskirts of the city or to very specific
points in the centre. Neither is there any heavy artillery inside
the city proper.
Just as the war itself has not succeeded in dampening in the
slightest the friendly, hospitable character of this city, neither
has this armed presence decentralized, organized by neighbourhood
and by civil or administrative centres succeeded in doing
so, no matter how numerous it may be. It is never intimidating,
not toward our group (who are, after all, foreigners), or toward
the local people. These groups of two to five men, of varying
ages and stations in life, young and old alike, are never ostentatious
with their weapons. These are carried discreetly or left propped
against a wall or a parapet while their owners snack on sunflower
seeds, sip tea, go about their shopping, play games with their
own children or their neighbours'. When we pass by they greet
us with smiles, always circumspectly, but with the direct and
frank expressions which are so usual here, raising an open hand
or giving a V-for-victory sign, bidding us welcome in English
or in Arabic.
Neither have we ever witnessed any gesture of hostility or
arrogance by the militia toward their neighbours, not even during
moments of tension, as occur during an air raid or after a missile
blast, or in the funeral processions for the bombing victims,
like the one we participated in along the main street of Addamiyya
the day after a group of houses were destroyed by a missile in
that eastern district of the city. Just the opposite is true:
everyone mingles together in the markets, in the hospitals, in
the streets, among the crowds of children who (the schools being
closed since the day prior to the first bombings) run wild through
the streets despite the deadly risk of more air raids, for the
past week carried out during the day as well as the night. They
are scarcely reprimanded by their parents as they crowd round
our picturesque group, scramble over the mountainous rubble of
destroyed homes, or dash about among charred vehicles and gaping
missile craters.
We have no doubt that the US and the UK have for the past
week been following a strategy of terror against the population,
by means of continuous, indiscriminate attacks on residential
areas. Our impression is that in spite of this, in spite of the
terrible massacres in Saab and Shu'ala or the most recent at
Dailiyya only yesterday, all in broad daylight, or the missile
and bomb explosions all over the city, to which the dozens of
new victims hospitalised daily bear witness, there are each day
more people in the streets, more shops opening their doors, and
the people's will to live is equally more in evidence. Traffic
jams are occurring once again, and public transport has not been
interrupted. The characteristic red double-decker buses, made
in China, continue to circulate regularly, and they are filled
with passengers.
Let us not misjudge this people by denying once again the
true nature of its identity: the population is indeed resisting
and with each passing day is more resolved to resist, as simple
as that; not only the regime, but the people themselves. One
thought alone is heard here in Baghdad, and it becomes clearer
and clearer to all who wish to hear it, in the hospital wards,
from the victims and their families, before the ruins that once
were dwellings: we will fight on until the end.
The slaughter in the residential neighbourhoods, the continuous
bombing day and night, the discoveries each morning that a city
block of neighbouring houses has been levelled or the local telephone
exchange blown up, the grim task of burying one's dead or those
of friends, are, in the words of Santiago Alba, "truths
like fists" which Saddam Hussein does not need to invent,
in contrast to the lies that Bush, Blair and Aznar find themselves
obliged to pour forth over and over again.
Why do we refuse to accept something as simple as the fact
that these people know perfectly well that they are being invaded,
occupied and massacred by the colonial power against which they
fought a century ago, Great Britain, and by the US, abhorred
by each and every one of this region's inhabitants? Let us not
add another infamy to the many already suffered by this people:
here, in Iraq, the population is not a hostage of the regime.
This is a war of patriotism in the sense that any rational person
should understand the term: the defence of one's homeland against
an invader, and this is how we believe the vast majority of Iraqis
feel, as would any other people. Is this so difficult to understand?
Only this can explain what is happening in the south of the country,
this unexpected resistance which surprises as much as it allows
us to predict that the battle for Baghdad will be a terrible
one, an authentic butchery, if we do not prevent it from taking
Resistance is victory
Baghdad, 1 April, 2003
The Spanish
Brigade Against the War 'Mohammed Belaidi': Mª Teresa Tuñón
Álvarez, Mª Rosa Pañarroya Miranda, Ana Mª
Rodríguez Alonso, Belarmino Marino García Villar,
José Bielsa Fernández, Javier Barandiaran y Carlos
Varea González
Report from the Spanish Brigade
The eleventh day
of the aggression
March, 30th, 2003. Translation from Spanish
by Donald Murphy
CSCAweb (
On this, the eleventh day of the US/UK military aggression
against Iraq, the Spanish Brigade Against the War 'Mohammed Belaidi'
in Baghdad reports that, as on previous nights, the bombing attacks
on the city have been kept up continuously, producing heavy explosions
near the Brigade's lodgings at 24:00, 2:00 and 5:00 local time.
And all through the night, minute after minute, the persistent
hum of the B-52 warplanes could be heard clearly and distinctly.
Attacks on telecommunications centres
As the Brigade observed this morning, the heavy impacts heard
during the night had targeted telecommunications centres. That
of Sallajiyya, on the left bank of the Tigris River, in the neighbourhood
of the same name and next to Baghdad's new Central [Railway]
Station, was attacked five times in the early hours of the morning.
This 5-storey structure was torn apart from the inside by implosion
bombs, exposing to passers-by a view of its ruined interior,
now a mass of tangled cables and charred furniture. The tall
communications tower, however, is still standing.
This telecommunications centre is situated a hundred metres
from the cardiac surgery centre Ibn Al Baitar, from which it
is separated by only a fence.
The Brigade was also able to see the communications centre
in Omar Ben Abdelasis street, in the Addamiyya district, which
has already suffered several attacks in recent days and which
at 11:00 yesterday morning was again targeted, this time by two
US missiles. Another launched against the centre hit an adjacent
building of residences and businesses at the intersection with
Antar Square. The missile hit the side of the building and converted
the street-corner into a crater. The sides and rear wall of the
two-storey communications centre, some 50 metres wide, along
with the buildings lining the adjoining side-streets, were seriously
damaged. Surprisingly, there were no victims, possibly because
this part of the building houses shops and businesses and this
last attack occurred in the early hours of the morning. The left
wall of the structure has caved in, but miraculously the nearby
dwellings were not crushed. From outside one can see the metal
framework and doorjambs of the telephone exchange blown apart
and exposed to view. Since early morning, workers have been bringing
tables and computers out of the building. Here the communications
tower has not collapsed either.
The Addamiyya communications centre
is located opposite the Faculty of Education
The communications centre located in the Sha'ab district,
an area which has likewise been hit repeatedly by US bomb and
missile attacks since the beginning of the military aggression,
was also attacked again yesterday. Technicians were working this
morning to restore telephone service. All of the city has been
left without telephone connections. The Brigade, which until
two days ago was able to communicate normally by telephone with
the outside world through the telephones in the vicinity of its
lodgings, has had to begin using a satellite telephone to continue
making and receiving calls.
Systematic attacks on civilian neighbourhoods
After observing on its visits to various of the city's hospitals
that injuries caused by the US attacks are in the vast majority
civilians from neighbourhoods that have been bombed repeatedly
since the aggression began, the Brigade has decided to keep a
record of the victims hospitalized there in a random sampling
of the city's hospitals. It can be stated, from the testimonies
of the injured and of hospital personnel in these centres, that
many cases of injury and death among the civilian population
go unreported.
Today the Brigade visited Naoman Hospital, in the Addamiyya district,
whose residents have been the repeated victims of US bombing
raids. This centre recorded 20 injury victims from the attack
carried out on the neighbourhood this past 25th of March who
have since been released. No deaths have been recorded among
the residents of Addamiyya, even though there have indeed been
deaths registered in other hospitals. However, the centre has
been continuously receiving injury cases on various days resulting
from US missile attacks on the Sha'ab district the 24th, 28th,
and 29th of March, observing cases of injury within the same
family from the same attacks and from others on different days
but in the same neighbourhoods.
The Brigade visited Omar Abdel Karim, age 29, who works and
lives in Sha'ab, and who was wounded in the abdomen by the impact
of the missiles that fell on the neighbourhood at 16:40 on the
29th of March. Seven families in the surrounding area were affected
by the attack.
His neighbour, Munib Habib Hamid, a 31-year-old shop assistant,
in serious condition, on oxygen and unable to speak, was injured
the same day by shrapnel in the abdomen, legs and chest, along
with his wife and son.
Another neighbour, Georgis Basar, a worker of Egyptian nationality,
was hit by shrapnel from fragmentation bombs in the same neighbourhood
on the 28th of March. He has fragments of shrapnel embedded in
his hands and legs. Munir has lived and worked in Baghdad for
14 years and says that there are about 100,000 Egyptian workers
still in the country, despite a great number of his countrymen
having left Iraq during the Gulf War of 1991. Munir says that
he feels he is among brothers here and that he will stay on in
spite of everything.
The generosity of a besieged people
Notwithstanding the devastation and commotion which US troops
and warplanes are causing in the country, the people of Baghdad
continue to demonstrate their finest virtue, along with their
cordiality. The Brigade are overwhelmed when they walk through
the streets of neighbourhoods which despite having been attacked
are full of life and in which residents go about their business
with a naturalness that is only disturbed by the constant, persistent
sound of US military aircraft overhead. Knowing that these neighbourhoods
have been and will continue to be the scenes of US attacks on
the city, it is moving to witness daily their resident's limitless
hospitality: today in the market of Addamiyya, where the Brigade
went to stock up on food, fruit and water, the food-sellers did
not want to accept money for these provisions, offering them
instead as gifts.
The generosity of this people, besieged and subjected for
the last 12 years to a permanent aggression from outside and
today attacked openly in their own neighbourhoods, streets, markets
and homes, is one expression more of their maturity, showing
both to themselves and to the world how collective courage can
be applied to a people's own self-defence, in the face of a blatant,
cowardly attack from the sky with missiles and shards of shrapnel.
Resistance from both militia and
As a mechanism of collective defence against this outside
aggression, and despite the fact that the US air attacks are
carried out indiscriminately, in daylight or darkness, the citizens
of Baghdad embody an explicit will to resist, expressed in the
"normality" recovered each day in the places of public
transit in the streets, squares and markets.
Only at night, although a curfew has not been officially declared,
do people retire to their homes, as is in any other part of the
world. During daylight hours, public transport continues to function,
in the form of the red double-decker buses so characteristic
of the streets of Baghdad, and private vehicle traffic remains
heavy in the city centre. Areas destroyed by bombs are immediately
cleared of rubble so that they may be rebuilt. Each day more
businesses are open and men and women of all ages circulate freely
in the streets. Soldiers, militia and armed civilians blend with
ease into the rest of the population. They buy their heads of
lettuce at the food-stalls, stopping to rest with their Kalashnikovs
between their legs; they drink tea in the cafés while
chatting with teenagers and old men, visit shops or play with
the children in the street scenes that are repeated everywhere
and awaken vivid memories of images of our own cities during
the Civil War against fascism. There is no separation between
the military's defence of the city and the people's own. This
is a popular, voluntary resistance movement forged with coherence,
determination, courage and dignity. These are the elements with
which this people's resistance is inscribed, even though the
threat of the US troops' entry into the city weighs more and
more heavily upon them. A popular resistance nurtured in the
people's own history and taught by the example which for more
than fifty years their brothers, the Palestinians, have given
them and continue giving by their struggle against Israeli aggression
and occupation.
Today, 30 March, as the Palestinian people celebrate their
Day of the Land, the Palestinians and Iraqis are one people engaged
in the same fight against the same violence and aggression that
Israeli Zionist barbarism and the fascism of the US regime inflict
upon them both.
From Baghdad, all of our support and solidarity go out to
the Palestinian people.
The Spanish
Brigade against the War: Mª Teresa Tuñón Álvarez,
Mª Rosa Pañarroya Miranda, Ana Mª Rodríguez
Alonso, Belarmino Marino García Villar, José Bielsa
Fernández, Imanol Telleria, Javier Barandiaran, Manu Fernández
y Carlos Varea González
Report from the Spanish Brigade
The tenth day of the aggression
March, 29th, 2003. Translation from Spanish
by Donald Murphy
CSCAweb (
In Shu'ala, the most recent scene of US military barbarism,
the impact of a single missile has caused the deaths of at least
57 innocent people. Shu'ala is a humble residential neighbourhood
in the north of Baghdad, on the outskirts of the capital, inhabited
mostly by Shi'ites who live in small houses of light-coloured
brick. The market of Naser, a busy, open space, was attacked
yesterday afternoon by US aircraft at a time when the area's
small back-streets were filled with a multitude of men, women,
teenagers and children, shopping or simply strolling about .
In an empty lot nearby, children and teenagers from the neighbourhood
were having a football match when the missile landed: 25 of them
were killed instantly.
The Spanish Brigade in Baghdad went this morning to the site
to verify the destruction. The impact of the US missile did extensive
damage to the right side of the marketplace, destroying the entire
complex of shops and stalls, as well as the businesses in the
central part. Roofs, walls and shop signs were torn apart by
the blast, which this time did not result in fire but rather
in a violent explosion of shrapnel.
At Al Nur Hospital, a public surgical and trauma centre and
the closest hospital to Shu'ala, Brigade members spoke to one
of the doctors in charge, Dr. Mahmud Shihab, who told them that
since yesterday 45 victims of the market attack have been hospitalised
in this centre alone, all with very serious injuries. Three have
died in surgery during the night. The number of victims pronounced
dead on arrival in this centre is 41, although Dr. Shahib was
informed that other hospitals have also recorded cases of injuries
and deaths from the attack. His reflection to the Brigade is
the following: "It is an outrage that this is considered
a 'clean war'".
The Brigade states that the hospital wards are filled with
injured civilians of all ages women, elderly men, adolescents
and children.
A young man of 20 years old, Saddam Hussein yes, the
same as the President , a mechanic by profession, was surprised
by the attack while buying fruit at a market stall and watching
the football match going on in the adjacent lot. Lying on his
bed and accompanied by an uncle, he describes the incident with
impenetrable calm, without the slightest gesture of pain or reproach,
his eyes a deep black and his face radiant with dignity: during
the night his left arm was amputated at the collarbone. He says
that the US army travelled thousands of miles to attack the cities
of Iraq. He wonders aloud if this is liberty they speak of. He
says that he will give his blood and his life for his country.
While the teletypes of the news agencies buzz with speculations
as to how the programme of "humanitarian aid" will
be carried out, Saddam's uncle, Ahmed, puts it simply and with
bitter irony when he speaks of the "impudence of this overwhelming
amount of money [2 billion dollars] being put into circulation
while they destroy our country and then argue about how to rebuild
Cluster bombs used against the civilian population
At Yarmuk Hospital, located in the Qadisiyya district and
which the Brigade has already visited several times, it is confirmed
once again that despite media reports assuring that the attacks
are directed at large institutional buildings like the Ministry
of the Interior which has now been attacked four times
since the beginning of the invasion , the bomb and missiles
attacks have indiscriminately targeted civilian centres and neighbourhoods.
Ahmad Abu Lah, a young doctor of Syrian origin, reports that
each day between 10 and 15 injured civilians are hospitalised
in the centre. In comparison with the Brigade's visit a week
ago, the injuries are much more serious and this is due to the
US Air Force's intensifying their use of fragmentation or cluster
bombs, a system by which a large bomb is dropped, which then
explodes in the air, dispersing smaller bombs that fan out as
they fall and on impact burst into thousands of particles of
flying shrapnel. Almost all of the injuries here have resulted
from these fragmentation bombs and are characterised by shrapnel
embedded in various parts of the body, from the head and neck
to the abdomen, back, legs and feet. Since the 26th of March,
this hospital has recorded 9 instances of victims killed instantly
by bombs or missiles, as doctors and families confirmed to the
Of the ten patients that the Brigade spoke to, only one of
them was a member of the militia. The rest were civilians
children, men and women , from all parts of the city, whose
homes or neighbourhoods had suffered the impact of missiles or
They are for the most part family groups, as in the case of Omar
Ahmed, age 5, from the Al Rashid area in central-southwest Baghdad,
injured by a cluster bomb along with his three sisters. Their
mother died last Wednesday as a result of the attack. Ahmed sustained
abdominal lesions and ruptures of the gall bladder, liver and
Ahmad Asa, age 8, injured along with his father whose
foot was amputated and his mother and sister both
with shrapnel wounds. Little Ahmad suffered injuries to the neck,
abdomen and right leg.
Salah Ahmed, age 40, who lives 40 km. south of Baghdad in
the small village of Al Sufia, entered Yarmuk Hospital on the
24th of March. Four people in his village died in the same attack.
His condition is critical as his large and small intestines are
both affected, as well as his liver.
Fa'ad Hasim, age 42, was brought to the hospital yesterday,
28 March, injured by the impact of three missiles while driving
in his car along the motorway at 8:00 AM. The missiles' shock
wave burst the car's windscreen and he received injuries to the
leg and abdomen.
Sa'ad, age 36, hospitalised with his brother, age 33, both
from another Baghdad neighbourhood, Nahed al Rashid. He described
how cluster bombs open up and explode into shrapnel before they
reach the ground. He has these type of wounds to various parts
of his body.
Yasin Muhamad, a 75-year-old villager from Ahmad, a rural
agricultural area on the outskirts of Baghdad. He is suffering
from chest injuries. Twenty members of his family were also injured
and are hospitalised here or in other centres. On the 28th of
March, the impact of a bomb dropped at 21:00 caused his house
and stables to collapse, killing all of his livestock. His daughter
'Alia, age 53, her face pale and bandaged, sits alongside one
of her injured daughters. They have still not told her that another
of her daughters has died.
Fayyed Sohe, a technician at Saddam International Airport,
tells the Brigade in fluent English that he was hit on the 24th
of March during the attack on the airport. He has shrapnel embedded
in his rib cage that still has not been able to be extracted.
Yisiam Maher, a very shy and good-looking boy of seven who
has neck injuries caused by the impact of a missile in the garden
of his family's home.
Nara Amari, age 25, an employee of the Dora electrical facility,
injured in the chest while at home with her husband and daughter,
also in the neighbourhood of Naher al Rashid. Her daughter fortunately
escaped injury.
Yesus Yazin, age 28, a student at the University of Babel
in Baghdad and a member of the militia, hospitalised on the 24th
of March after being hit by the shock wave of a missile launched
by the helicopter Apache. His vocal cords have been injured
and he is unable to speak.
The rhythm of Baghdad is altered day and night by the continual
whine of US fighter jets and B-52's flying relentlessly over
the city, and by the sounds of the explosions which are an intermittent
but sustained feature of life everywhere here. In spite of the
combined pressure on the residents of Baghdad which this adds
to the attacks themselves, which began on the 19th of March,
the population continues to go out into the streets each morning
to go about their daily lives. In Shu'ala, after yesterday's
brutal killing and catastrophe, area residents have again come
out of their houses this morning to walk awestruck through the
ruins of the market. Shaken by the destruction and by the deaths
of their neighbours, their features have lost some of the freshness
and vibrancy of previous days, but even so they remain friendly,
communicative and open toward the members of the Brigade. They
say that they are not afraid and that they intend to fight, that
what happened yesterday makes them even stronger and more determined
to resist the aggressors the invaders of their country.
Adding a note of perverse irony, while the Brigade winds through
the back-streets conversing with the local people, a US military
aircraft crosses the sky, leaving behind its menacing trail and
causing the windows of the nearby buildings to vibrate. Somewhere,
the murderous bombs of the United States are still exploding
in Baghdad, and bringing with them more destruction and death.
Report from the Spanish Brigade
The ninth day of the aggression
March, 28th, 2003. Translation from Spanish
by Donald Murphy
CSCAweb (
The Brigade reports today that during the past night Baghdad
experienced the heaviest and most punishing attacks against the
city since the aggression began nine days ago.
Beginning at 22:30 local time, US bomb attacks, which had been
kept up throughout the day, intensified spectacularly in various
parts of the city, at the same time affecting the area where
the Brigade has its lodgings. From 2:30 to 7:30 in the morning,
they became fiercer still, with simultaneous explosions being
heard in surrounding areas. The noise of the impacts was heard
all night long, along with the sounds of B-52 combat planes and
fighter jets which continue to maintain the pressure level on
the city.
Damage caused to telecommunications centres, the one located
in Ma'amun street as well that next to the Hotel Al Rashid, have
left the city without telephone lines. Communication has still
not been re-established. There have also been power outages,
although electricity has not been cut off completely.
The Spanish Brigade Against the War has decided to go this
morning to the Spnaish Embassy in Baghdad to take down the Spanish
flag and replace it with the flag of Iraq, in denunciation of
the Aznar government's bellicose position and the active participation
in the war by the Spanish military, as well as the government's
allowing US invading forces to use its air, ground and maritime
The Brigade has issued the following declaration:
After eight days of indiscriminate
bombing on Basora, Baghdad, Mosul and other Iraqi cities, when
victims already number in the hundreds and after verifying that
the objective of this aggression is none other than a massacre
of the Iraqi people in the streets of Addamiyya, Sa'ab, Al Qadisiyya,
etc., we the members of the Spanish Brigade Against the War have
decided to remove the Spanish flag which waves over this Embassy
and replace it with the flag of Iraq: we consider it an intolerable
offence that a flag which represents one of the governments most
deeply implicated in the aggression against the Iraqi people
should wave in plain sight of the local populace while its country
is being attacked, invaded and occupied militarily.
The war against Iraq is illegal
and immoral. The Spanish government was the first to support
the option of war promoted by the Bush Administration, and has
gradually been playing a greater role in this aggression, and
in doing so placing itself on the margin of international legality,
violating the statutes of its own Constitution and losing all
democratic legitimacy through its contempt for a citizenry which
is overwhelmingly opposed to the war. At the same time that its
contributes to the perpetration of an illegal act against a sovereign
nation, it submits the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Spain and
the will of its citizens to the interests and imperialistic designs
of the United States in this part of the world.
On the same level as the Bush
Administration and the Blair government, the Spanish government
is guilty of war crimes against this people. The Spanish government
has sent ships and troops to the region which will participate
in the occupation, and thanks to the logistic support it is providing
to US armed forces in Spanish territory, the B-52's are able
to carry out their bombing missions with impunity from their
bases in the US and the UK. We have seen some of their victims:
Ahmed, Haura, Wisan, Ahmedi, Tayar, Ali, all unarmed civilians
who have been injured or killed in their homes or in the streets,
at night or in broad daylight.
Finally, as part of the Spanish
and International Anti-War Movement, we denounce by this action
the brutal repression which those who are demanding an immediate
end to this barbarism are suffering at the hands of the Aznar
government. From here in Baghdad we unite our voices to theirs
against this crime. Side by side with this people who are resisting
and demanding respect for their sovereignty and their right to
self-rule, we ask you once again to increase your efforts to
put an end to the war.
Stop the war against Iraq. All our solidarity with the people
of Iraq.
Baghdad, 28 March, 2003
The Spanish
Brigade Against the War: Mª Teresa Tuñón Álvarez,
Mª Rosa Pañarroya Miranda, Ana Mª Rodríguez
Alonso, Mino Marino García Villar, José Bielsa
Fernández, Imanol Telleria, Javier Barandiaran, Manu Fernández
y Carlos Varea González
Report from the Spanish Brigade
The eighth day of the aggression
March, 27th, 2003. Translation from Spanish
by Donald Murphy
CSCAweb (
Baghdad/Madrid, 27 March, 2003
Yesterday, after a brutal US missile attack in the Sa'ab district
that left 16 people dead and dozens injured, US air forces continued
bombing intermittently on the outskirts of the city until 20:00,
when the attacks intensified. At 1:00 AM, US fighters were again
heard flying over the city, along with bomb exploding in parts
of the city centre. At 2:30 AM, the Brigade once more heard B-52
super-bombers flying overhead, launching extremely intense attacks
on the surrounding areas which went on until 4:30 AM.
The attacks kept up until dawn throughout all of Baghdad. Explosions
have continued to be heard this morning on the outskirts of the
city, probably in the areas close to the airport.
Donations of blood
The Brigade went this morning to the National Blood Bank,
where all of the members, and some of the journalists who accompanied
them, donated blood. The Iraqi health workers who attended them
treated them with great attention and professionalism and said
that at the present time there was no shortage in their reserves
of blood; the population of Baghdad have responded very positively
to their call for donations and so they are able to deal with
the necessities posed by war injuries. They indicated, however,
that they face serious problems in carrying out blood tests due
to the poor state of their equipment, due to the embargo, and
that they are especially lacking in some of the chemical agents
required to carry out such tests efficiently.
The staff also informed them that they attend exclusively
to the needs of the city's forty hospitals and public medical
centres, from which military personnel are excluded.
Sa'ab: a new stage of horror
The Brigade went again to Sa'ab, the neighbourhood which was
attacked yesterday. In response to speculations that these impacts
might have been caused by anti-aircraft guns, the Brigade points
out that the two enormous craters left in the motorway that ran
through the neighbourhood, as well as the shock wave the explosions
generated, could only have been produced by the destructive force
of missiles. No one in the neighbourhood has any doubt of this.
Although the sandstorm and the rain have stopped, the area most
affected still presents a terrifying spectacle: the people are
tremendously shaken by the event but even so a multitude of neighbours
men, women and children can be seen scrambling through
the debris, beginning the daunting task of clearing it away.
Some of those slightly injured in the blast, with bandages on
various parts of their bodies, relate their experiences to the
They met one woman whose house was among the most damaged,
a woman as humble and simple as the Sa'ab district itself, who
cried aloud, "Why? Why?" as she was shown the destruction
the aggression had caused to her own house.
They also spoke with a young university student of Technological
Engineering who was armed with a Kalishnikiov, only one of the
thousands of civilian who have taken up arms to fortify the ranks
of resistance in Baghdad, together with the soldiers and militia,
and who confirmed for them what they have been seeing for some
days now wherever they have gone in the streets, in the
markets, in the taxis: that the population is prepared to fight.
The Brigade is impressed by the toughness of these people
men, women, and young people who display the same spirit
of firmness and pride in the face of the foreign aggression which
was exemplified once again today, among indignation and controlled
rage, in the barbaric scene caused by the cowardly attack by
the cold might of US military technology on a district of innocent
A population determined to resist
Everyone is aware that a very difficult battle will take place
in Baghdad, but says they will fight to the bitter end. The fact,
as the news agencies report, that the massive flight of Iraqi
citizens out of the country they previously predicted and for
which they have been preparing for weeks in advance has not occurred,
confirms that the determination of the Iraqi population is to
stay where they are and resist the aggression. As of yesterday
afternoon, according to ACNUR and Cáritas, the refugee
camps established on the country's borders with Jordan, Turkey
and Syria have reported only 400 persons coming from Iraq, but
of nationalities other than Iraqi. To affirm, as some media sources
have done in recent days, that Iraqis are not leaving the country
because the regime does not permit them to is to deny the truth
and, even more, to ignore and detract from the valour of the
Iraqi population, to dishonour their courage and conceal their
spirit of sacrifice: popular resistance is not something that
can be ordered by an authority, much less when it is the government
itself which is arming the civilian population.
Military preparations are being stepped up especially on the
outskirts of Baghdad, where more troop movements by the army
can be observed. In the centre, the work of digging trenches
goes on, but calm and serenity prevail.
Report from the Spanish Brigade
The seventh day of the
March, 26th, 2003. Translation from Spanish
by Donald Murphy
CSCAweb (
Baghdad/Madrid, 26 March, 2003
The US is intensifying its strategy of terrorizing the civilian
population of Iraq. Thirteen civilians dead and dozens injured
are the latest known victims in Baghdad of the "precise"
and "surgical" attacks launched this morning, in broad
daylight (between 11:00 and 11:30 AM local time) in the residential
area of Sa'ab, on Baghdad's northern periphery, to which the
Brigade travelled upon receiving news of the attack. This neighbourhood,
which was bombed two days ago by US warplanes, resulting in injuries,
was today the target of two missiles launched against the great
two-direction, multi-lane motorway which connects Iraq's capital
with the cities of Kirkut and Mosul in the north, one of the
country's busiest interior routes. All circulation along the
motorway has been cut off.
Attack against civilian facilities
The impact caused by the two US missiles left two deep craters
spanning 200 metres in diameter, the width of the motorway itself.
Although the missiles did not impact directly on any of the buildings
which line both sides of the motorway, the shock wave unleashed
an enormous explosion and a ball of fire which scorched the houses
and businesses along the motorway, in an area which forms the
neighbourhood's urban nucleus, as well as more than twenty cars
parked along its sides. Some vehicles were blown through the
air into the adjoining streets.
Coupled with the mud and brownish rain which was falling over
Baghdad at the time, "the image of destroyed houses and
people trembling in horror among the ruins on each side of the
motorway was at once dreadful and Dantesque".
On the right side, to the north, the ground-floor garage of
one building was engulfed completely in flames; opposite this,
on the left, the walls of houses and businesses had caved in,
their windows torn from their casings, their doors transformed
into smouldering masses of scorched iron. In addition, burst
water-pipes caused heavy flooding to the damaged structures.
The extent of the damage caused by the US attack, along with
the news of the first thirteen casualties to be found among the
rubble and the dozens of injuries reported, overwhelmed all of
the Brigade members; even more so when they were shown a small
box containing part of the brain of one of this new aggression's
Abdala Attay, owner of one of the dwellings most damaged in
the attack, showed to the Brigade the house he had lived in until
today with the five members of his family, among them children,
whose whereabouts are still unknown. The façade facing
the motorway was completely destroyed and the other walls were
doubled by the shock wave. The water-pipes burst as well, flooding
the house and destroying furniture, clothes and household items.
One car flew literally from the street in front of the house
into the one behind it when one of the missiles hit.
Ahmad, resident of the Sa'ab district, told the Brigade that
there are no military or administrative buildings in the area,
as the Brigade itself would later confirm. With indignation and
fear, Ahmad commented: "yesterday Bush said again in a speech
that the bombing was directed at precise objectives. Here is
his "precise" objective. This is the democracy that
Bush wants to bring us".
Night-time bombing of Iraqi TV
Last night, the Brigade heard from within its shelter the
loud explosions of three missiles that fell in the vicinity of
the surrounding neighbourhood. This morning it found that the
US attack had targeted the building which houses Iraqi Television,
located on the right bank of the Tigris River in a heavily developed
area populated by civilians. Broadcasting was interrupted, but
re-established during the night. The Brigade was able to see
first-hand that the three US missiles, along from the severe
damage done to the Television building, had also completely destroyed
another building situated across the river, next to the Al Ahdar
bridge, where the administrative offices of the National Electric
Company are located.
The Brigade reiterates in its report for today that the presence
of US warplanes and fighter jets flying over the city is being
maintained continuously and constitutes a tactic for creating
alarm and permanent anxiety among civilians in order to terrorize
them. Missile and bomb attacks are carried out intermittently
day and night, regardless of the hour. Today, as every day and
from the first hour of daylight on, explosions could be heard
coming from various parts of the city. The bombing raids are
not carried out only at night but may surprise the citizens of
Baghdad at any moment, in broad daylight and in any place. This
morning, when the Brigade was in the Bab Ma'adam district and
speaking to some of the residents as they went about their shopping,
explosions were suddenly heard nearby, causing immediate alarm
among the people in and around the market, interrupting again
the already altered rhythm of daily life which, despite the invasion
and the bombs, for the people of Iraq must go on.
(As every day,
the representatives of the press who share its lodgings
correspondents for La Vanguardia, El País, ABC, RNE,
Colpisa and Cope, as well as the team from ETB
which has joined the Brigade have been invited to participate
in the activities the Brigade has planned for today. As well
as the Brigade members, these correspondents have been able to
testify first-hand to the facts contained in this report).
Report from the Spanish Brigade
The sixth night of attacks
on Baghdad
March, 25th, 2003. Translation from Spanish
by Donald Murphy
CSCAweb (
Baghdad/Madrid, 25 March, 2003
A day of mourning in Baghdad after a night of continuous bombing,
which intensified between 4:00 and 8:30 AM local time, especially
in the southern part of the city, near the airport, where attacks
by fighter jets seem still to be occurring.
Yesterday, 24 March, between 11:00 and 12:00 AM local time,
while the Brigade was in the market of the New Baghdad district
and heard the impact of bombs coming from some distance away,
the US air force was indeed sowing more death and destruction
among the civilian population of Baghdad. This time it was in
the residential area of Addamiyya, in broad daylight and when
the streets were full of activity people shopping for supplies
in the markets and shops, taking advantage of the daytime hours
to relieve the tension built up during their confinement at home
or in shelters in the long, night-time hours when, for the past
six nights, Baghdad has been ravaged by bombardments and explosions.
The Brigade discovered yesterday that a missile landing in
this neighbourhood caused the deaths of 6 persons, as well as
23 injuries all civilians, as this neighbourhood is one
of middle-class professionals and workers and in which there
are no government or military buildings, as the Brigade was able
to confirm today. In other parts of the city, 13 more persons
have been killed and more than 70 injured.
Funerals of grief and indignation
The Brigade went this morning to extend its sympathies to
the families of the victims and to the residents of Addamiyya.
As a show of support, it accompanied the funeral party of three
of the six residents killed yesterday, whose coffins, draped
with Iraqi flags, were carried on shoulders through the district's
main streets in a massive
procession, characteristically sombre and traditional. Choked
with grief and indignation, the residents of Addamiyya
men, women and children sang patriotic songs as they accompanied
the procession to the three vehicles waiting to take their loved
ones to the cemetery. The feelings of consternation, grief and
collective indignation could be seen on the faces of everyone,
in the quiet weeping of the some of the women, in the exclamations
of those who, leaning over their balconies with raised fists,
shouted nationalist slogans as the procession passed by.
In Raghiba Jatum street, in Addamiyya, the Brigade saw the
mountain of rubble produced by the missile that yesterday completely
demolished one house and ripped the walls off three more. As
yesterday, scattered about among the ruins of this house was
the intimate testimony of those who lived there, in the form
of household objects and personal possessions: family photos,
a Koran, books and school binders whole lives destroyed
by a single missile blast.
Among the people contemplating the disaster with indignation
and sadness, Dr. Husan, resident of the neighbourhood, professor
of art, painter and Spanish speaker, transmitted the general
feeling of the local population to the Brigade: "I can't
understand why President Aznar is supporting this brutal aggression
against our country and against our people. Look around you
the people who live in this neighbourhood are middle-class workers.
This is an outrage."
But here there is no gesture of bad faith toward the Brigade,
no resentment despite the fact that everyone in Iraq knows the
Spanish government is an accomplice to this aggression and slaughter.
As on previous days, the citizens are able to distinguish friend
from foe perfectly and appreciate the testimony of solidarity
which the presence of the Brigade signifies, while they reject
absolutely the posture of the Aznar Government, one especially
puzzling to them as it comes precisely from a country which in
the collective Arab mind represents the splendour of their own
historic past. Shows of affection, among today's devastation,
from a people whose morale is still intact, in spite of everything,
and whose pride has been bolstered by their own sense of what
is right in face of the US-led barbarity.
The US continues to attack civilian
At Nuaman Hospital, the Brigade was able to speak to some
of the people, all of them civilians, injured yesterday: Suhat,
a beautiful girl of seven years old, with multiple injuries all
over her body, lay smiling beside her 11-year-old brother, Ali,
who was unconscious, his neck bandaged; another of her brothers
was in surgery.
The Brigade also visited the victims of the US bombing attacks
carried out Monday night in the Sha'ab district, another residential
neighbourhood of Baghdad. During this visit, intermittent bomb
impacts were felt, one such explosion in a nearby area causing
the windows of the Hospital to vibrate.
Terrorizing the population
The fact that the bombardment is being carried out day and
night, in densely populated areas, in residential areas of all
types and social classes, confirms that the US, far from attacking
military and government installations, is clearly determined
to terrorize the civilian population in order to lower its spirit
and its determination to resist the invasion of its country.
The whine of US fighter jets crossing the skies over Baghdad,
the constant hum of the bombers, penetrate deeply into the collective
psyche in a tactic planned by the aggressors to maintain a sustained
pressure on the population. The continuous sound of aircraft
creates a permanent anxiety among the people, as it is impossible
to know each time a plane goes over if it will bring with it
a missile or bomb attack.
Today Baghdad lies under a dome of smoke from the bombing
and from the oil-filled ditches which burn throughout the city
and dust, stirred into the air by an intense sandstorm.
It's cold and very windy. It's raining mud. In the heart of it,
the people go on with their lives, which however damaged are
not interrupted. This people, hardened by 12 years of enduring
extreme conditions on a daily basis, retain a high morale and
their pride intact even when faced with the horrors of war. Civilians,
militia and soldiers continue digging trenches and tunnels to
resist what they know will be a bloody battle when the US and
UK troops reach the city and hand-to-hand combat ensues. The
defence of Baghdad and a people's resistance is a collective
banner emanating from the popular consciousness. It is unthinkable
that, under the harsh conditions and the aggression that Iraq
is living through, the spirit of sacrifice and dignity which
motivates these people will be coerced by pressure, or by the
dictates of any authority. Iraq invaded, bombed by foreign
troops is a nation under siege, but united in its determination
to resist.
Baghdad: capital of sacrifice, capital of dignity
(As every day,
the representatives of the press who share its lodgings
correspondents for La Vanguardia, El País,
ABC, RNE, Colpisa and Cope, as well
as the team from ETB which has joined the Brigade
have been invited to participate in the activities the Brigade
has planned for today. As well as the Brigade members, these
correspondents have been able to testify first-hand to the facts
contained in this report).
Report from the Spanish Brigade
The fifth night of the
Baghdad/Madrid, 24 March, 2003
CSCAweb (
With the bombardments on Baghdad continuing throughout the
night of the 22nd and 23rd, the Brigade has been witness to impacts
in the vicinity of its shelter. At 3:10 AM, the windows of the
building in whose basement the shelter is located were shattered
by shock waves from these blasts. Explosions were heard all night
long, until 7:00 AM, local time, when the alarm signalling the
end of the air raid was sounded.
Later, at 12:00 noon, and when there was a considerable civilian
presence in the city streets, the hum of airplanes was heard
again, followed by more bombs being dropped and new explosions.
Injuries among the civilian population
The Brigade went out this morning to visit another hospital,
the University Hospital of Al Kindi, a centre specialising in
Traumatology and Orthopedics located in the Palestinian District.
The Director, Dr. Osama Salah Taha, who was trained in Cuba,
explained to the Brigade in Spanish that an average of 30 people
are hospitalised in his centre everyday in direct consequence
of US attacks during the night. From Friday night until Saturday
morning, the night of the heaviest attacks by US B-52 bombers,
100 people were brought to the centre. Another 38 were admitted
this morning, two of whom have died. These cases are essentially
civilian, of all ages, although some injuries of military personnel
have also been reported. The Brigade visited the injured persons
and spoke with some of the children and adults, all of whom live
in residential areas. Many have shrapnel wounds to the head and
other parts of the body from bomb and missile explosions. There
are three general hospitals in Baghdad and several specialist
clinics, all of which receive each morning the victims of the
night's missile and bomb attacks.
While the Brigade was speaking to some of the victims, a delegation
from the Iraqi Women's Federation arrived, bringing flowers,
baskets of flower petals and sweets for the patients. The six
women expressed their support for the bombing victims of Baghdad
and for popular resistance to the US-led invasion. They then
began to sing folk songs, briefly transforming the hospital wards
into a oasis of respite from the brutality which has become the
city's harsh, nightly reality.
Serious deficiencies in Baghdad hospitals
Dr. Salah Taha detailed for the Brigade the deficiencies of
the hospital in treating the injured and how such treatment is
organised, slight injuries being attended to immediately in order
to leave places in the hospital free for the more serious cases.
The hospital cannot satisfy many of the most basic requirements
or perform even the simplest operations due to lack of anaesthetics.
The management states that the medicines requested from international
agencies and from Doctors Without Borders have not yet been received.
The Director also told the Brigade that the hospital lacks
any type of protection against possible attacks with non-conventional
weapons. Atropine, an antidote used to treat victims affected
by chemical agents, is not available, either for hospital staff
or for possible patients. Despite these deficiencies, the Director
stated that all of the health centres in Iraq are doing everything
in their power to overcome, with human effort and professionalism,
these very poor conditions, which will undoubtedly be aggravated
in what is sure to be "a very long offensive, especially
in Baghdad".
Al Mustansiriyya University affected
by the bombing
The Brigade was able to confirm this morning, on the grounds
of Al Mustansiriyya University, that the building adjacent to
the rectory was affected by the shock wave of a missile that
fell into the courtyard and left an immense crater there. By
all indications, this was a missile that went astray, contradicting
the manipulated reports pouring from the Pentagon and international
news agencies claiming that the US attacks are "precise"
and "surgical". In this case, there were no victims.
Al Mustansiriyya University, located on Baghdad's urban perimeter,
is surrounded by residential areas. Various civilian dwellings
have likewise been affected and broken windows, as well as damage
to the corners of buildings, can be observed throughout the area.
When the Brigade visited the site, workers were in the process
of covering the huge hole in the ground left by the US missile.
High spirits and a will to resist
among the population of Baghdad
During its visits to the areas affected in last night's attacks,
the Brigade journeyed to the New Baghdad district where it found
that the streets were full of people, as was the enormous marketplace
where a mingling of Christians, Sunnites, and Shi'ites could
be observed shopping at the numerous fruit and food stands. Shops
and markets like this one are well-stocked with fresh meat and
vegetables. Just then, at 12:00 noon, the air raid sirens sounded
again and the sound of airplanes, followed by renewed explosions,
could clearly be heard as the bombs began to fall again over
various parts of the city.
In its report for today the Brigade would like to mention
again the emotion they experience on having direct contact with
the population of Baghdad at this difficult time: "a warm,
admirable, and amusing people who continue to treat us with all
their affection and with whom we established an instant relationship
of complicity, fondness and mutual respect". "Today,
the people were especially trusting toward us and demonstrated
to us their determination to resist the US/UK invasion".
In addition to this, the presence of armed civilians, along with
that of soldiers and militia, increases each day. "Thousands
and thousands of armed citizens walk about the city each morning
after the bombing has stopped; they do not seem at all hostile
or aggressive: militia-men chat beneath bridges, soldiers and
civilians stroll about with their weapons, or stopping at market
stalls to talk with small groups of women; others wait on street
corners, manning the trenches calmly, Kalishnikovs at their sides,
eating sunflower seeds while children look on in admiration".
The Brigade confirms that these images are "the living
reflection of a people with a collective will of resistance and
illustrate the people's solidarity with the determination of
the Iraqi government to resist the aggression against their country".
News from the southern front indicating that the US and
UK ground troops have had to turn back to Um Qasr and have not
been able to enter Basora, nor Nasiriyya, nor Nayd, for the armed
Iraqi resistance they have encountered there "has
bolstered the spirits of the people, who are joyful and happy
to share their joy with the Brigade, despite their awareness
that the worst is still to come, when attacks even more intense
and savage will be unleashed on the city".
With dignified enthusiasm, the people oppose the cold technological
superiority of US bombers and weaponry with the bravery of their
own troops and militia, the strategies of the US military with
the courage of a popular front of resistance which, they affirm,
is solid and proud. News that the Apache, a US helicopter
of the same type used by the Israeli army in its atrocities against
the Palestinian population in the Occupied Territories, has been
shot down in the south by rural militia, is passed around the
marketplace with effusion and pride. Likewise, the word that
hundreds of Iraqis are crossing the Jordanian border and heading
toward the capital (as reported yesterday by El Mundo)
has lifted the spirits of this besieged but still unvanquished
people. The expectation that invading US and UK troops will encounter
stiff resistance in Baghdad, however, presages days of great
tragedy and bloodletting ahead.
from the Spanish Brigade in Baghdad
March, 22th, 2003. Translation from Donald
CSCAweb (
From Baghdad: hold fast to the motto
of the past months' mobilizations: "Stop the War on Iraq".
For the last two days we have been experiencing, together
with five million men, women, boys, girls, teenagers and old
people, the first bombing attacks perpetrated by what must be
considered a new Axis of Fascism in this first war of the 21st
century the alliance formed by the US, UK and Spanish governments.
This is a new Axis of Fascism because it is attacking open, densely
populated cities with hardly any capability of defence. This
is a new Axis of Fascism because it is attacking this country
against the will of the citizens of the world, violating all
law and all rights, returning this region and the international
community to the beginning of the past century, to the colonial
era, and transforming the democracy it professes to represent
and intends to impose here into nothing but a travesty.
We know that Basora is being bombed intensely and here, in
Baghdad, we have been able to connect names and faces to the
victims of the first attacks launched on the capital at dawn
on Thursday: a 14-year-old girl, wounded in the legs and abdomen
while having breakfast in her home on Thursday morning.
Her sister and 14-month-old niece, Haura, both injured in
the same house while the former was breast-feeding her baby.
Five brothers two adults, a teenager, two children
all burned while they watched the missiles falling over the city
early Thursday night. And so on: up to 36 in one hospital alone,
all civilians, none of them living near any kind of military
or government installation.
You cannot imagine the impact of the cruise missiles falling
on this sprawling, exposed city; the tremor they cause when they
explode, unleashing a ball of fire and column of dark smoke.
It is difficult to describe the ominous sound of aircraft flying
over our heads and dropping their bombs. The aggressors are now
determined to break the spirit of this people after trying to
do so with hunger and disease over twelve years of embargo, as
if this were a medieval siege.
Its brutality is only matched by its cowardice. Counting only
on its military technology, without cause, without dignity, without
honour, it intends to raze to the ground a country which was
the very cradle of our civilization, blessed with an admirable
people. Every morning, after every attack, these same people
go out again into their streets and continue to smile at us,
grateful that we are here, raising their fists or flashing the
victory sign, warm and trusting in spite of everything, asking
us to tell you of their will to resist even when that seems an
unimaginable miracle in the face of the war machine closing in
on them.
What is true is that this people cannot stop the war without
help: the imbalance of forces is overwhelming. They will only
be able to resist the flood of steel and fire which rains down
on them each night if they know that you will continue to mobilize
without faltering. Please, by all available means, without relenting,
help the people of Iraq to win this war by stopping it. Put the
fascist governments who are attacking Iraq and the Spanish
government up against the ropes; against the wall of morality
and law, of solidarity and fraternity among peoples.
Best wishes from Baghdad
The Spanish Brigade to Iraq against the War: Maria Teresa
Tuñon Álvarez, Maria Rosa Pañarroya Miranda,
Ana Maria Rodríguez Alonso, Belarmino Marino García
Villar, José Bielsa Fernández, Imanol Telleria,
Javier Barandiaran, Manu Fernández y Carlos Varea González
Baghdad, 21 March, 2003
Report from the Spanish Brigade
The third night of attacks
on Baghdad
Baghdad/Madrid, 22 March, 2003. Translation
by Donald Murply
CSCAweb (
In its third report from Baghdad on this morning, 22 March,
the Spanish Brigade confirms that they are all well, although
shaken by what has been referred to as "a night of intense
bombing on the Iraqi capital which was kept up regularly until
From 7:20 PM yesterday until 10:00 AM local time, the attacks
were very intense, especially in the Al Mansur district, a densely
populated area in the centre of Baghdad where institutional buildings
(governmental and ministerial) are mixed in with residential
blocks of flats and houses. "All night long the neighbourhood
has been covered by the black smoke of fires caused by the impact
of US missiles and bombs". Therefore, and despite Defence
Department reports in the media claiming that the bombing has
only affected "installations of the regime", it is
impossible that there have not been impacts on houses and residential
buildings as, even if only government buildings were attacked,
the shock waves of these blasts are felt violently for several
kilometres from the point of impact.
At 2:20 and at 5:30 local time, the Brigade members heard
B-52 bombers flying over the building in which their shelter
is located, in an area close to the National Theatre of Baghdad
and the Iraqi Air Ministry. In both instances, the launch and
explosion of several missiles were heard seconds later. Given
the incapacity for an Iraqi response to these aerial attacks,
the unlimited use of missiles and bombs on the part of the US
is absolutely disproportionate and shameful against a country
like Iraq, which has submitted since 1991 to a process controlled
by the Security Council of general disarmament, intensified in
recent months, making it impossible for its armed forces not
only to counterattack against the US invasion, but even to defend
itself against the sophisticated military technology which the
US is using in this invasion.
From nightfall until early morning today, more than 300 bombs
have been launched by US aircraft. According to information circulating
in Baghdad, at least 207 persons have been injured, although
the number of casualties a statistic which the Iraqi authorities,
as in the Gulf War, are not making public is unknown.
The Brigade reports that at sunrise people began to come out
of their houses and resume their daily lives, as they have been
doing every morning since the attacks began three days ago.
This morning, the Spanish Brigade has planned, as yesterday,
to travel to Baghdad medical centres to visit the civilians injured
in the night of fire the city has just lived through. We will
also visit the areas affected by the bombing to see first-hand
the real material damages caused by the US attacks and, at 12:00
noon, we will again congregate in front of the International
Press Centre to reiterate international public opinion's condemnation
of the military invasion of Iraq and to denounce the Aznar government's
support for this criminal war.
Baghdad/Madrid, 22 March, 2003
Report from the Spanish Brigade
The Spanish Brigade visits
the first civilians injured in the war on Baghdad
Baghdad/Madrid, 22th March, 2003. Translation
by Donald Murply
CSCAweb (
Contrary to the affirmations of Spanish Minister of Defence
Federico Trillo that "the targets of the US bombing attacks
are being selected exclusively from Iraqi military and government
installations so as not to harm the civilian population",
the missiles launched by the US in the early hours of last night
and the night before have caused victims among various families
residing in the city. They are, as the bellicose masters of war
obscenely refer to them when the fact can no longer be hidden
from the public, the first Baghdadi "collateral damage"
of the Iraq war.
The Spanish Brigade in Baghdad states at noon today, 21 March,
that during its visit this morning to the University Hospital
at Yarmuk, Baghdad, they were able to confirm that the two preceding
nights' bombing has caused injuries to the Iraqi civilian population.
On its visit to the hospital, in which various representatives
of the Spanish media were also invited to participate, the Brigade
was received by the Director, Dr. Yamil Al Bayati, who, before
taking them to see the persons injured in the attack, said that
36 people had been hospitalised there 9 as a result of
the missile attacks in the early morning of 19 and 20 March,
and 27 last night. Dr. Al Bayati also indicated that no deaths
had been registered in his centre, although he did not know if
there had in fact been any civilian casualties. As the reception
of patients in Baghdad hospitals is de-centralized, it is very
probable that deaths have been recorded, along with more injuries,
in the city's other medical centres.
Whole families affected
The Brigade visited some of the victims and can affirm that
among them are entire or almost entire families from various
Baghdad neighbourhoods. According to these people's own reports,
in none of the neighbourhoods where they live are there any military
or government installations.
The Brigade was able to visit three brothers: a 17-year-old
boy with injuries in both legs, one older brother of his with
head injuries, and still another who was unconscious and whose
legs were severely burned. According the first of these, two
younger brothers were also badly hurt and one was being operated
on at that moment. All were hit last night by the shock wave
of a US missile when they looked out onto the patio of their
house after the alarms had sounded.
Another family group injured by a missile attack is made up
of two sisters and a baby. The younger of the sisters is a girl
of 14 who was wounded by an impact in the abdomen and legs while
having breakfast at home at 9:30 AM. Her older sister, the mother
of a 14-month-old baby she was breast-feeding at the moment of
the explosion, suffered burns over several parts of her body
and her bandaged hands were bleeding when the Brigade visited
her. The baby had back injuries. These people, as they themselves
explained to the Brigade, reside in a farmhouse on the outskirts
of Baghdad.
In another room, a woman was caring for a pregnant neighbour,
whose belly had been ripped open by the impact of another missile
Visit to the burned Ministry of Planning
The Brigade also visited the Ministry of Planning, which had
been a target of the US missiles launched late last night. The
Ministry, situated in Yumhurriya (Republic) Square, near the
Tigris River, was gutted by fire resulting from the impact of
several missiles. Although the structure is still standing, both
the interior and exterior of the building were completely destroyed
by the explosion.
Visit to the Al Qadimiya district
The Brigade visited the popular Al Qadimiya district where
much of Baghdad's Shi'ite population is concentrated. Its streets,
usually boisterous and busy, were fairly lively as people shopped
at circulating fruit and vegetable stands. The majority of businesses
remain closed. In this neighbourhood, as in the rest of Baghdad,
one finds groups of militia and soldiers among the civilian population.
We exchanged warm greetings with them, who in general seemed
calm and relaxed, trying their best to enjoy this brief respite
before night falls, when the ominous designs of the lords of
evil and war will bring new bombardments upon them. Who knows
where they will fall this time and who their victims will be?
The Brigade has issued a declaration of support for the mobilizations
against the war taking place tomorrow (Saturday) in all the capitals
of the Spain, and in other cities and villages.
Report from the Spanish Brigade
The second night of attacks
on Baghdad
Baghdad/Madrid, 21 March, 2003. Translation
by Donald Murply
CSCAweb (
At 8:00 AM today (Friday, 23 March), Carlos Varea, coordinator
in Baghdad of the Brigades to Iraq against the War, gave
a report to the CSCA of how the Brigade had spent the previous
day and of the bombing by US aircraft last night. Our colleagues
are all very well and send their greetings, along with a message
of reassurance, to their families, co-workers and friends. Although
yesterday afternoon some media sources reported surprisingly
that the Brigade members had been kidnapped, all of them are
still together, with their daily routine unchanged except for
the uneasiness and anticipation produced by the sound of air
raid sirens and US aircraft and missiles when the attacks do
occur. All are in good physical condition and determined to stay
on in Baghdad.
Yesterday at noon, after walking through the city to observe
the mood of the inhabitants, they attended a press conference
held by Iraqi Information Minister Al Sharaf at the Baghdad Press
Centre. The Minister confirmed that the 40 US missiles launched
in the first attacks the night before had targeted locations
where members of the Iraqi administration were supposed to have
been present. The attack resulted in one casualty and various
After its own session with the press, the Brigade held a demonstration
in front of the Press Centre itself, with signs protesting the
war, the Spanish government and the use of Spanish military bases.
The nine Brigade members then walked again through the city,
to which a degree of normality had returned. People had come
out of their houses, to buy supplies in the very few shops which
remain open, or simply for a stroll. According to Carlos, "the
armed civilian and military presence has increased considerably
in comparison to previous days, although it does not seem in
any way aggressive, nor is it there to check identification or
place controls on the local population. The people in the street
continue to be very friendly towards us, greeting us with smiles,
making the V-for-victory sign, or raising their fists in a gesture
of solidarity."
After the walk through Baghdad and in light of a predicted,
later confirmed, attack that afternoon, the Brigade returned
to its lodgings, going directly to the shelter which they had
previously stocked with water, food and medicines, as well as
gas masks, mattresses, sleeping bags and other basic items in
preparation for the night. With them were various representatives
of the Spanish media, such as Fran Sevilla of RNE, Tomás
Alcoverro of La Vanguardia, Ángeles Espinosa of
El País, and reporters from Euskal Telebista,
COPE, ABC and El Semanal Colpisa.
At 20:55 local time, they heard a new warning siren, followed
by a bombardment lasting more than an hour, until 22:15. For
the duration of this, the sky over Baghdad was illuminated by
Iraqi anti-aircraft fire. The bombing was much more intense and
prolonged than the previous day's, with the sounds of aircraft
engines and missiles in the southeast plainly audible from the
shelter. As they have been able to confirm, and as shown in yesterday's
television images, the attacks, against installations across
the river from where the Brigade is staying, were centred on
the Ministry of Planning and Information. The Ministry is located
in the heart of the city, opposite the Hotel Al Rachid, where
part of the remaining international press contingent has its
lodgings, and in the same area that the morning's press conference
had taken place.
After these attacks, sirens sounded again between 23:30 and
midnight, although no more aircraft or missile sounds were heard.
The Brigade left the shelter early this morning. Seeing that
the streets are quiet and that some people are out and about
along with armed militia personnel, soldiers and Iraqi
police , they are planning, as a gesture of support and
solidarity, to visit the hospitals where those injured in last
night's attacks have been taken. They will also continue to answer
questions from the Spanish media, who maintain contact with them
from home.
Report from the Spanish Brigade
The first night of attacks
on Baghdad
Baghdad/Madrid, 20 March, 2003. Translation
by Donald Murply
CSCAweb (
At 9:00 AM this morning (11:00 AM in Iraq), the members of
the Spanish Brigade who remain in Iraq send this message to the
CSCA to report on the current situation in Baghdad after the
first air attacks on the city by US aircraft and missiles. All
of the Brigade members report that they are well and calm.
As we are told, at 5:40 AM local time (two hours later than Spanish
peninsular time), the first Iraqi air raid alarms were heard.
Immediately, all of the Brigade members went down into their
basement-shelter together with the other persons who share this
shelter with them. They remained there until the attack has passed
and then ascended to a balcony where they were able to see bursts
of flame and columns of smoke. Up to 20 missiles and bombs from
US aircraft had fallen on buildings in the southwest of the city.
At 9:00 AM a new alarm was sounded and an explosion somewhere
in the vicinity was heard. After this, silence returned and with
it a degree of calm. Later, the Brigade went out into the streets,
where all of the businesses remained, as they were yesterday,
closed, and where a greater military presence could be observed
in the groups of militia, soldiers and Iraqi police on
patrol there , as well as a scarcity of civilians. On the
way back to its lodgings, and after verifying first-hand that
all was calm in the city, the Brigade decided to proceed instead
to the Press Centre where they had arranged a meeting with media
Apart from this, we report that the Basque Country Brigade departed
at 19:00 local time for Amman, Jordan, from which they will then
return home. Three members of that Brigade, Imanol Telleria,
Javier Barandiaran y Manu Fernández, have decided to remain
here in Baghdad with the seven members who had already decided
to stay on in the city.